Hi. I’m Trenia.

Intuitive Leadership Coach + Strategist for Creative, Mission-Driven Leaders

It is my sincere intention for you to feel seen, validated and understood while you’re here with me.

About Trenia + Sustainable Leadership

Why I Do This Work

I do this work because I remember what it felt like to be so stressed and worried every Sunday evening, because I didn’t want to deal with what was coming my way at work on Monday. The frustration of dealing with dysfunctional, bordering on abusive bosses and undermining colleagues, creating that stressful feeling of always having to watch my back and protect myself. I remember feeling so stressed out and depleted from work being piled on when I was already at capacity, and vacation and sick days never being enough. I remember working really hard, going above and beyond and being promised a raise, only to have it withheld because my boss thought I needed to “get along better” with a colleague who didn’t like me. I remember questioning if the work I was doing was making a difference, and doubting if the organizations I worked for were really interested in solving the problems their mission set out to achieve.

I remember grieving when my mom passed away and my boss offering no condolences. I remember recovering from knee surgery and struggling to stand and walk around New York City because my knee wasn’t healing properly. 

None of it was sustainable.

 And I knew I’d crashed when I woke up at 3AM one morning in a cold sweat at a work conference in Albany, New York. I was on the verge of a mind/body/spirit breakdown and I KNEW I needed a break. I felt myself drowning and I didn’t know how to get out of it.

Two weeks later I left my job.

What I thought would be a 3-month break turned into over a year of rest, recuperating, re-learning how to nourish myself and finding peace of mind. During that year I had a lot of time to think and reflect, and I realized (with the help of a great therapist) that not only was I burned out and exhausted, I had been that way for years, but managed to push through it…until I couldn’t anymore.

My path led me to quitting my last job, taking much needed time to rest and recuperate and starting my second business as a Sustainable Leadership Coach ( I was a Dating + Love Coach for 10 years, while having a full-time job most of that time). The Sustainable Leadership Framework led me to the best path forward for me, and I know it can guide you to the best outcome for you! 

Sustainable Leadership Coaching isn’t about whether to stay or leave your job, although we can figure that out when we work together, and create your Sustainable Solutions Plan. The point is to do work that you enjoy that creates impact and is sustainable, without leaving yourself or your needs behind. Remembering that you’re a whole person with a life, interests outside of work, family and friends. 

What do you want your next level to look like?

At some point in the Evolution of Work, an idea formed that work isn’t personal, but nothing could be further from the truth. Work is absolutely personal. From how you respond to conflict and hard conversations to praise and promotions. It’s all personal. Work involves the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical aspects of who you are.

Most people think they can turn off who they are when they go to work, be objective, and just be a professional. This is nearly impossible. How you communicate, lead, and allow yourself to be treated and interact with others is all personal. Which is why the Sustainable Leadership Coaching Program uses a holistic approach, creating an inner understanding and an essential foundation of critical soft skills like:

  • Cultivating self-knowledge, awareness and respect as a leader

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Caring for your whole self and soul 

  • Navigating challenging work environments + relationships (“Negotiating your “No”)

  • Making space for personal time

  • Meditation 

  • Asserting effective boundaries 

Cultivating these skills will give you a deeper capacity and the confidence you need to have healthy and increasingly effective relationships at work, so you feel supported and satisfied as you move into the next phase in your career.

See yourself as a whole person, so you can burnout-proof your life & career, have peace of mind, personal time, as well as lead and have impact in a way that’s sustainable.

What I’m About

I believe in using a holistic lens to support Creative, Mission-Driven Leaders who are committed to getting out of the Leadership Depletion Cycle and building a career and life that’s sustainable. When you work with me, I become your thought partner, confidante and wise counsel, tapping into over 20 years of diverse experience as a Social Worker, with an M.S. in Social Work from Columbia University. As well as my experience as a Relationship Coach and leader in the nonprofit and public sectors, and well-honed intuitive insight. 

What I value

  • Peace of mind (at work and at home)

  • More Personal time

  • Fulfillment

  • Validation 

  • Vitality

  • Equitable Compensation for expertise & experience

  • Matching your desired impact to the right organization or company (even if it’s your own)

  • Being able to turn work off

Click here to schedule your 30-complimentary consultation to see if the Sustainable Leadership Coaching program is right for you.