Speaking up for yourself with your boss/c-suite team for mission driven leaders and creatives

Speaking up for yourself with your boss, c-suite team or board can be very challenging for creative, mission-driven leaders. When you have something to say that they need to hear, it can be intimidating to speak up, but here are 5 things to keep in mind:


  1. You’re qualified to speak up- Remember that they hired your for a reason, and your input is valuable. They hired you because you’re smart, capable and you’re qualified to speak up.

  2. Don’t try to be the savior. You can’t carry the frustrations, woes and disappointments of every employee, mission-related issue and organizational challenge on your back. Pick and choose what to speak up about.

  3. If your boss, c-suite team or board are intimidated by you, it doesn’t matter what you say or how you say it, it will likely be perceived as a threat. Speak up knowing those risks. Do it even if you feel scared.

  4. Learn to practice non-attachment to the outcome of whatever they say  or do after you speak up.

  5. Don’t let your boss/c-suite team disrespect you. The trick bag is getting you to care about the mission of the organization more than you care about yourself and how you’re being treated, but don’t fall for it. When it comes to work, it is better to be respected than it is to be liked. 

When you need to speak up at work, always keep in mind that you’re there for a purpose, and your boss, c-suite team and/or board should want to hear from you. So it’s ok to share your thoughts, ideas and opinions.

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Choosing Yourself First is the Key to Sustainable Leadership